EX-ESMA: Dorado
permanent exhibition

2014. Museo sitio de Memoria ESMA , Buenos Aires.

Concept, design and animation for a permanent audiovisual installation at the main hall of Espacio para la Memoria, Ex-ESMA, Casino de Oficiales.
ESMA building was one of many recovered and open for public in 2014 as part of an initiative aimed at informing citizens about the last Argentine civil-military dictatorship of the 1976/1983 period. The commissioned installation was conceived to raise awareness over the activities carried out in the building during those years. We were requested to intervene architecture as little as possible.
In this framework, we proposed a set of ten projections on the side walls of the main hall and one on its back wall. The projections lasted around 10 minutes and were divided into two moments: during the first one, a series of portraits of condemned Argentine military men involved in crimes against humanity were shown. These were enclosure in ostentatious golden frames, exhibited in a similar way to dictator Videla’s portrait, still hanging in the Government House until 2007; in the second part of the projections, the portraits were put on the floor, accompanied by a text that referred to the sentences handed down in the trials initiated that same year. On the back wall, the projection described the hierarchical relationships and responsibilities of each of those portrayed while the dictatorship operated.
The installation ended with a list of all those people convicted in the aforementioned trials.

Projection of one of the military men envolved, with the frame on the floor.

Scketch for the first part.

Example for the second part.

Back wall, with the projection describing the hierarchical relations.

Ground plan, with 10 side projectors, 2 on the front and the disposition of 10 mapped frames.

El perro en la Luna/ Canal Encuentro

General production: El perro en la Luna
Direction (EPL): Cecilia Atán
Curator (Ex-esma): Alejadra Naftal
Audiovisual concept: Nicolás Dardano 
Animation and design: Nicolás Dardano 
Mapping: Nicolás Dardano / Ariel Oshiro
Technical development: Show control
Sound design: El perro en la Luna


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