museum room
2014. Malvinas Argentinas Museum, Buenos Aires.
Spatial design, objects and graphic design for the children's room of the Malvinas Argentinas Museum, customized on ‘Zamba's amazing excursion to the Malvinas Islands’.
To make knowledge of the flora and fauna of the Islands more accessible to children, an interactive experience was developed. It included augmented reality, multiple projections on the walls, furniture with light effects and tablets with custom-made games. The tablets allowed children to choose over 9 stops and activate them through a QR code. Once active, the digital device allowed them to manipulate characters from the games, which could interact with the objects and projections on the room.
Scketch for dividing wall and acces portal.
Planos construcitvos de mobiliario.
Los personajes y la interfaz digital en la tablet interactuando con los objetos ‘físicos’ de la escenografía.
Video de proceso.
Modelado 3d de Zamba para el juego de RA.
Video de proceso.
Modelado 3d de Zamba para el juego de RA.
Client: El perro en la Luna / Canal Encuentro
General production: El perro en la Luna
Space and forniture design: Nicolás Dardano
Art direction: Nicolás Dardano
Graphic design: Ariel Oshiro
Tecnical development and AR consultant: Verne
Art developping: Pablo Gabian / Ana Wahren Brie
General production: El perro en la Luna
General production: El perro en la Luna
Space and forniture design: Nicolás Dardano
Art direction: Nicolás Dardano
Graphic design: Ariel Oshiro
Tecnical development and AR consultant: Verne
Art developping: Pablo Gabian / Ana Wahren Brie
General production: El perro en la Luna