Elsewhere and now

AV installation, LUNA Festival, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 2021.

‘Elsewhere and now' is an AV site-specific installation that arises from the walks, exploration, and contemplation of rural landscapes in Ricote Valley, Murcia, Spain.
Using projectors both as video and light sources, the installation collects the material recorded in various drifts, and processes it, reinterpreting the original contemplative view into a digital-immersive format.
These translations, born from repeated experiences of observing and listening -a kind of exchange process with landscape- work as an extension of Nicolás’s meditative perception. In the Statenzaal room, Leeuwarden’s former city hall parliament, mapped projections and a multilayer translucent setting dialogue with the existing architecture to generate a time-shifting spatiality that questions the limits between recurrent binomials on Nicolás’s work: natural-artificial, virtual-material, abstract-realistic.
'Elsewhere and now' attempts to reflect on our needs-possibilities to empathize with the context that surrounds us, offering a space to inhabit the present moment and proposing sensorial perception as main medium to experience this connection.

The installation was created specifically for LUNA Festival 2021.
Three projectors were used as video and light over floor, walls and ceilling.
A three-layers structure with translucent materials was created to generate a 3d video device projected from both sides.
The piece was presented as a 25 min. loop divided in 16 scenes with a slight time displacement between sources, creating a metamorphosing piece along the exhibition hours.


Idea: Nicolás Dardano
Video, screen design: Nicolás Dardano

Sound: Roisner 
Documentation: Arnaud Oosterwijk

Media Art Friesland and LUNA Festival team:

Director: Andrea Möller
Curator: Irene Urrutia
Technical production: Marinus Groen




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